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USP Update on Rapid Micro Methods and Chapter 1223

Radhakrishna Tirumalai and James Akers both provided updates to the USP Microbiology Expert Committee activities. Of note, the following rapid method topics were discussions.

During last year’s PDA Micro meeting, the USP stated that they were going to update/revise the existing USP 1223 informational chapter and provide additional guidance with respect to the use of alternative micro methods. First, we must be reminded that the use of RMMs as a replacement for existing methods is nothing new, as the USP provides guidance on the validation of alternative methods. More importantly, USP micro methods are intended to be referee tests (i.e., adjudicative) for the analysis of monograph products and compendial articles, and they were not intended to be QC release assays or in-process tests. Actually, USP referee tests were not intended to be used as QC assays without modification, and this modification is the responsibility of the method user.

USP <1223>, the informational chapter that provides guidance on validating alternative or rapid methods, is under revision. Some of the changes from the current version may include enhanced guidance on method selection and qualification, and more specific content than what is currently provided. Additionally, the committee is concerned that RMM implementation is being held up because users are too concerned at arriving at a perfect definition of method equivalence. Therefore, we may see some changes in how the USP recommends how to determine whether an alternative method is as good (or better) than a compendial method that is current in use.

Next, the expert committee is now exploring the development of a new referee sterility test; however, the referee method cannot be sourced from a single, patented technology. The committee will initially y will focus on biologics (cytotherapy/regenerative medicine products) and radiopharmaceuticals. And they will get support from the USP biologics committee as well as scientists from CBER (please see my August blog posts for additional guidance form the FDA on the use of RMMs for sterility testing).

Finally, the committee plans on providing validation-useful information for the development and validation of HPLC methods for antibiotic assays for products where micro methods are still being employed.

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