Our blog will keep you informed of new and noteworthy technologies, reviews of recent publications and presentations, upcoming conferences and training events, and what's changing in the rapid and alternative microbiological methods world.
Blogging from the PDA Europe Microbiology Conference
Starting tomorrow, I will be blogging from the 2011 PDA Europe Microbiology Conference in Berlin, Germany. The conference lasts for two days and will feature a number of rapid micro method presentations. Featured speakers includeans van Doorne (Univ. Groningen), Emmanuelle Charton (EDQM), Klaus Haberer (Compliance GmbH), John Metcalfe (US FDA), Riccardo Luigetti (EMA) and Barbara Potts (Biologics Consulting Group). I will also be delivering my perspectives on the future of microbiology testing and the role of rapid methods on pharmaceutical manufacturing and the quality of medicinal products.