Sara Polson, Accugenix, discussed their use of the Bruker MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) microbial identification system. MALDI TOF MS ionizes microbial cells and the resulting particles are separated according to size and charge. The resulting spectral fingerprint can be used for microbial identification.
Kevin Luongo, Pfizer, presented an evaluation of the Millipore Milliflex Quantum Rapid Detection System. He described a method utilizing viability staining and enumeration of micro-colonies. The non-fluorescent stain is enzymatically cleaved inside the cell, liberating fluorescent marker that can be detected by the system. For most organisms evaluated, enumeration of low levels or organisms occurred within 24 hours. Part of his assessment included demonstrating that the technology is non-destructive and that staining does not impact microbial viability. This may allow subsequent testing of the micro-colonies that have developed, including microbial identification.
Michael Miller, Microbiology Consultants, LLC (yes, that’s me!), discussed a strategy and case study on false positive testing using the BioVigilant IMD-A, a real-time active air monitoring technology. Materials normally used in cleanroom and manufacturing environments were tested for their potential for eliciting a false positive response (i.e., a positive biological response when no viable microorganisms are actually present). Based on the data obtained, Dr. Miller provided strategies to minimize or eliminate the potential for observing false positives with the materials evaluated and when using the IMD-A system.